MSc Molecular Biosciences News
jGBM master prize Prize 2024
We congratulate to the jGBM Master Prize 2024
- Lukas Dietrich, MSc Biochemistry: A meta-analysis of disease-associated T cell phenotypes
- Nora Siefert, MSc Biochemistry: Rabconnectin-3-dependent regulation of V-ATPase assembly
- Jannes Straub, MSc Molecular Biosciences: MYT1L Governs Neuronal-like Glioblastoma Identity by Modulating Growth, Morphology and Cellular Communication
The junior group of the Gesellschaft für Biochemie und Molekularbiologie jGBM awards every year prizes to outstanding Master thesis regarding sciences, Methodoloy and Bioinformatics
Infos for application and the Majors
Molecular Biosciences - The program and the application
On February 6, 2 p.m., Zoom, we are once again offering an information event for our Master's program in Molecular Biosciences.
There will be general information about the application process and the structure of the program. The individual majors will introduce themselves - both their program and what they expect from applicants.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 641 8312 0239
Passcode: 333059
Introductory events at the beginning of the study programme
General Introduction to the programme
Monday, 14.10, at 10 am; on Zoom: Welcome to Heidelberg University and the programme
Major Cancer Biology Welcome Week:
14. - 18. + 23. October 2024
- Welcome at DKFZ with Introduction to the Study Program
- „Meet your Peers“ Student Welcome incl. DKFZ Tour
- Presentation of the First Semester Practical Courses, Distribution of the Places
- DKFZ General Safety Instructions (mandatory)
- Scientific Writing Workshop, Good Scientific Practice Intro, Career Development and Networking, DKFZ Central Library Services, DKFZ Administrative Matters
Major MCB
Major Molecular and Applied Plant Sciences
Major Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Introduction Week:tba
Introduction to the Major and the research groups, Safety Briefing
Guided tours to labs and facilities of COS, DKFZ, KIT and EMBL, campus tour, social events etc.
Major Infectious Diseases
- online Meet-and-Greet/Orientation Session (16.09.2024)
- welcome weekend in Heidelberg (12./13.10.2024)
- welcome day CIID, INF344 (15.10.2024) - safety briefing is mandatory!
Major Neurosciences
Major Systems Biology
MolBiosicences Symposium: Colors of Biotechnology
"Colors of Biotechnology" 5.-7.10.2023
The Molecular Biosciences Symposium, organized by Master students of Molecular Bioscience at Heidelberg University, cordially welcomes you to this year's exciting event: "Colors of Biotechnology"!
Biotechnology, an ever-advancing field with high relevance across various disciplines within Molecular Bioscience, takes center stage during our three-day symposium. Join us for captivating keynote lectures and interactive workshops, highlighting cutting-edge research in the vast realm of biotechnology. From modern industrial applications to agricultural, environmental, pharmaceutical, and life science approaches, we'll explore the spectrum of possibilities and delve into the ethical aspects of these advancements.

Molecular Biosciences - The program and the application
Information event about the program and how to get in -tba
We will give a introduction into the majors and the application procedure.
“SUSTAINABILITY IN SCIENCE” 29.09 - 01.10.2022
“Sustainability in Science” 29.09 - 01.10.2022
We would like to invite you to join our symposium and learn about how research can be, and currently is, designed sustainably, what research is being conducted to address the climate crisis, how to communicate science with non-scientists and how to sustainably take care of your own wellbeing. This student-focused symposium is also a great opportunity to engage with your peers and meet like-minded students.