Central technology platforms CellNetworks Core Technology Platform
The Faculty of Biosciences has access to numerous technology platforms (Core Facilities) and is involved in their development. The Cluster of Excellence CellNetworks has contributed significantly to the infrastructure of the Heidelberg Life Science Campus and led to the formation of the CellNetworks Core Technology Platform (CCTP), the umbrella organisation for Core Facilities. CCTP-associated Core Facilities must fulfill certain requirements, such as easy access for members of all university and extra-university members of the Field of Focus 1 as well as transparent terms of use.

Important concerns are the creation of good access opportunities for internal and external members, transparent terms of use and the development of a balanced usage fee system. CCTP-associated core facilities must fulfil certain requirements related to these aspects.
Younger researchers in particular should have barrier-free and unbureaucratic access to the latest technology. The core facilities offer users support on three different levels:
- Service
- Supported use by staff
- Provision of equipment