Kickoff Biosciences 3 Prizes Dr Alexander and Dr Rosemarie Bauer Foundation

Kickoff Biosciences 3

As part of the third Kick off Biosciences on 19 April 2024, the prize of the "Dr Alexander and Dr Rosemarie Bauer Foundation" was awarded for 2023.
The foundation aims to support young scientists at the Faculties of Biosciences and Chemistry and Geosciences on an annual basis.
The prizes are to be used for a research scholarship for doctoral students or for an internship for Master's students.
Funding is provided for a temporary research stay at an external laboratory in Germany or abroad.
In 2023, three prizes worth €1,500 each were awarded:
- To Henrike Josepha Antony (Master's student majoring in Neuroscience) for a research stay at McLean Hospital (Harvard Medical School Affiliate), USA
- to Lisa Kraus (PhD student with Prof Gert Fricker, IPMB) for a research stay at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory in Maine, USA
- and to Timo Jenne (PhD student with PD Dr Axel Mogk, ZMBH) for a research stay at the SciLifeLab at Stockholm University.

Left to Right: A. Maizel (vice dean for research), Timo Jenne, Henrike Josepha Antony, Lisa Kraus and R. Hell (dean of the faculty of biosciences). Photo: R. Beck.
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