Studierende MSc Molecular Biosciences - Student Activities

Regular events

The student representatives (see for a list below) organize regular events on and off campus like lectures, hikes, game nights etc.

For some impressions also check our instagram account

Molecular Biosciences Symposium 2022

The annual MolBio symposium 2022 was devoted to Sustainability in Science and took place between 29.09 - 01.10.

Attendees had an opportunity to hear about the impact of climate change on the spread of infectious diseases, how metabolic pathways in microbes can be rebuilt to capture CO2, how circular bioeconomy works and, crucially, what is the role of life sciences in tackling the problem of climate change. In numerous workshops offered in the program, participants got insights into very diverse fields ranging from science communication to politicians to specific steps that can be taken by us, scientists, to minimize our impact on the environment in the lab work. The symposium was complemented with social events to promote networking and exchange between students.

Some impressions of the 2022 Symposium

Molecular Biosciences Symposium 2021

In 2021 the symposium was from Sep 29, 2021 - Oct 1, 2021
Due to the pandemic it was online, see for all details the conference website

Some impressions of the 2019 Symposium

Molecular Biosciences Symposium 2017

The first Symposium (link to Youtube video) organized by students in 2017

Student Speakers Committee

The principle idea of the committee is to discuss, organize and realise projects. It is our goal to build bridges between the different majors, as well as different years of study, for example by organising social events. Another aim is to collect ideas on how to improve the teaching and learning experience in the molecular bioscience master programme.

There are several projects that have already been implemented by the committee:

    Study Buddy: a student mentoring programme for the students of the first year
    BIOspective, talks from a new perspective: a key speaker series.
    BioSciences Retreat: a two-day retreat

The official members of the committee are the major speakers, but anyone who wants to become involved is highly welcome to join any meeting. These take place on a regular basis, usually once per month.

If you want to join, simply write us a short message to the email address provided below and we will let you know about the next meeting.

Contact: approach any of the major speakers directly (see below)

Study Buddy

We have organised a “study buddy” mentoring programme for those students who are new to Heidelberg, to help then find their way around the university campus and Heidelberg city. In total, about 50 foreign students were matched with students already familiar with Heidelberg. The idea is to offer this service to German students who are new in the area as well.

MCB Journal Club

The Journal Club gives us master students a platform to meet, be together and discuss exciting scientific topics in a relaxed atmosphere.

For each meeting, two people prepare a short presentation (approximately 15 min) about a scientific issue of their choice, which can then be discussed by everyone afterwards.

This is also a great opportunity to practice and improve your presentation skills and get valuable feedback by your peers!

You are highly welcome to join us anytime!

For contact please write to the MCB student representatives

Friends and Alumni of Heidelberg Life Science

The FAB alumni association is committed to promote networking between former and current Biology and (Molecular) Biosciences students of the Heidelberg Faculty of Biosciences. Our goal is to offer advice and perspectives at all stages of your studies and professional life. The best: Membership is free of charge. Check out our website to register or find out about upcoming events.

Class of 2024 - Student Representatives

Lena Katzenstein - Cancer Biology

Kadri-Ann Lainde - Cancer Biology

Nathalie Zehetner - Cancer Biology

Raul Rubiera Labarta - MCB

Vanessa Breckner - MCB

Sertan Atilla - MCB

Flora Sedlarova - Neuro

Estefania Leth - Neuro

Andreas Wallkum - Neuro

Foivi Karagianni - Dev & Stem Cells

Amelie Späth - Dev & Stem Cells

Robert Graf - Dev & Stem Cells

Alice Bassetto - Systems Biology

Linh Trinh - Systems Biology

Magdalena Urlaub - Infectious diseases

Celina Ronge - Infectious diseases

Ceyda Ekin Hazir - MAPS

Batuhan Uysal - MAPS

major reps 2024

Class of 2023 - Student Representatives

Alara Gaye Doğru - Cancer Biology

Nick Wehrwein - Cancer Biology

Sofiya Vinogradova - Cancer Biology

Laura Dorner - MCB

Sena Meral - MCB

Andrei Kalinichenko - Neuro

Zoë Linke - Neuro

Beril Demiryontar - Neuro

Xenia Sirodzha - Dev & Stem Cells

Elva Weiss - Dev & Stem Cells

Isabel Parnet - Dev & Stem Cells

Lena Tomaschko - Infectious diseases

Melissa Klein - Infectious diseases

Aidana Smagulova - Systems Biology

Jonas Wagner - Systems Biology

Edwyn Locke - MAPS

Robin Schweikert - MAPS

major reps 2023

Class of 2022 - Student Representatives

Class of 2022 - Student Representatives

Marta Merlo - Cancer Biology

Niraj Adhikari - Cancer Biology

Amelia Kurti - Cancer Biology

Efi Kormari - MCB

Eric Bormann - MCB

Carla Aranda - MCB

Lukas Geckeler - Neuroscience

Lilly Kaufmann - Neuroscience

Michael Schäck - Neuroscience

Rebecca Kern - Dev & Stem Cells

Elin Stahl - Dev & Stem Cells

Iva Verbanac - Dev & Stem Cells

Marieta Gómez Matos - Systems Biology

Ibrahim Mansaray - Systems Biology

Roberta Malamud -Infectious Diseases

Marie Rose Schrimpf -Infectious Diseases

Gülce Tekin - MAPS

Freddy Can Igiebor - MAPS

student representatives 2022

Class of 2021 - Student Representatives

Noemie Fricke - Cancer Biology

Tim Kempchen - Cancer Biology

Umberto Pozza - Cancer Biology

Deniz Seven - MCB

Lyubomir Trahanov - MCB

Sarah Barnes - MCB

Sofiya Zbaranska - Neuroscience

Carolin Wüst - Neuroscience

Jannes Straub - Neuroscience

Jannis Speer - Dev & Stem Cells

Maily Scorcelletti - Dev & Stem Cells

Victor Paton - Systems Biology

Maren Gehringer - Infectious Diseases

Katharina Röver - Infectious Diseases

Max Pollmeier - MAPS

Katinka Bünger - MAPS


student representatives 2021